You can book a flight to the Dominican Republic at your travel agency or by Internet. We recommend as destination airports "Las Américas" in Santo Domingo and "Gregorio Luperón" in Puerto Plata.
From the airport Punta Cana, you need a journey by taxi of 3 ½ hours.
"El Catey" Samaná is only reached by planes from Canada.
We can organize the transfers for you with a mini-bus or a taxi from your arrival-airport to Punta Bonita. Since many years, we are working with the same reliable organisation.
Public transfers are recommended to people having a lot of time to travel.
Rental car: You can rent a car at the airport and drive to Punta Bonita after a night
in a hotel. We recommend, to make the reservation before you leave home (Hertz or AVIS) because cars booked by Internet are usually cheaper and in better condition.